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Saturday 29 January 2022



The Kinetic Molecular Theory was first proposed by Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases was elaborated and extended by a number of well known physicist such as James Maxwell (1859) and Boltzmann in (1870). In 1857, Clausius derived the Kinetic equation and deduced all the gas laws from it.


The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases is based upon following postulates.

• Molecules:

Gases are considered to be composed to minute discreet particles called molecules.

• Mass and size of molecules:

The molecules of a gas are thought to be of the Same mass and size but are different from gas to gas.

• Random motion:

The gas molecules move randomly in the space available and collide with each other and with the walls of container.

• Elastic collision:

When molecules collide with each other, the collisions are perfectly elastic i.e the total kinetic energy remains constant.

• Pressure:

The pressure of gases is due to the elastic collisions of gas molecules with the walls of container.

• Intermolecular distances:

At relatively low pressure, the average distance between the molecules are large as compared with molecular diameters.

• Intermolecular forces:

There are no attractive or repulsive forces between the two.

• Actual volume:

The actual volume of a gas molecules is negligible as compared to the total volume of the container.

• Kinetic energy:

The average kinetic energy of a molecule is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.

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