It is type of saturated hydrocarbon containing carbon -carbon single bond .
Alkanes are open chain saturated hydrocarbons containing single bond.
which can be represented by the general formula CnH2n+2 (where'n'is the number of carbon atoms),
while cyclo alkanes are cyclic saturated hydrocarbons represented by the general formula CnH2n .
It is to be noted from the general formula of cycloalkanes, that there are two hydrogen atoms less than the corresponding alkanes.
In cycloalkanes, two carbon atoms of the molecule utilize one of their valency in forming bonds with other carbon atoms for formation of cyclic ring.
Following are the some rules
Rules for Nomenclature and Alkanes: ( IUPAC)
Following are the some rules
1. Select longest continuous chain of carbon atom as a parent chain.
2. Name of compound must end on ane .
E.g methane ethane propane etc
3.Give substituent least possible number.
4.Substiutnt name is always written before parent name.
5.Position of substituent must be mentioned.
6.If more then one similar type of substituents are present we will use the term di For 2 Tri for 3
Tetra for 4
7.If different type of substituents are present we will follow alphabatical order .
CH3 | CH3-CH2-CH-CH2-CH2-CH3 3-Methyl hexane
CH3 CH3 | | CH3-CH-CH-CH2-CH2-CH3
2,3-Dimethyl hexane