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Saturday, 29 January 2022




"The energy required to break all the bonds present in one mole of a substance is called bond energy or bond enthalpy".

"It is the energy required to break up an Avogadro number of bonds i.e one mole of bond".


It has unit kJmol-1.

• Information:

The strength of a bond is measured by its bond energy. The larger the bond energy, the stronger is the bond.


It is determined experimentally by measuring the heat involved in a chemical reaction. It is also called bond enthalpy, as it is measure of enthalpy change at 298K.


Electronegativity difference:

Greater the electronegativity difference,  greater will be the bond energy because of more attraction. So a polar covalent bond is stronger than a non polar covalent bond.

Atomic character:

Greater the electronegativity difference, greater will be the ionic character and greater will be the bond energy because of more attraction. For example, H-F bond energy is 567 kJmol-1 but H-Cl bond energy is 431 kJmol-1.

Size of atoms:

Greater size of atoms, smaller Will be the bond energy because of the weak intermolecular forces. For example, the bond energy of H-H bond is 435 kJmol-1 and that Cl-Cl is 243 kJmol-1. It is due to the shorter bond length in H2 molecule and greater bond length in Cl2 molecule.

Bond length

Greater the size of atoms, greater will be bond length and smaller Will be the bond energy because of weak intermolecular forces. For example, bond energy of Cl-Cl is 242 kJmol-1 and that of I-I is 151 kJmol-1.

Bond order:

It is found that energies of multiple bonds are greater than those of single bonds. But a double bond is not twice as strong as a single bond or a triple bond is not thrice as strong as a single bond. It means that a sigma bond is greater than a pi bond.



 This theory was proposed by Heitler and London (1927) and later on was developed by Pauling. This concept is based on wave-mechanical treatment of molecules and has been successful in explaining the bond energies, bond lengths and shapes of covalent molecules.


According to Valence bond theory, a covalent bond between two atoms is formed when the atoms come so close that a partially filled atomic of one atom overlap with a partially filled atomic orbital of the other. The two overlapping atomic orbitals retain their identity.



A bond formed between two atoms is formed by the overlap of half filled atomic orbitals of two atoms.


The two overlapping atomic orbitals retain their identity.

Opposite spin:

The two overlapping orbitals must have electrons of opposite spin.

Unpaired electrons:

The number of bonds formed by an atom is equal to the number of unpaired electrons present in the Valence shell of the atom.

• Single and multiple bonds:

If only two orbitals overlap, a single bond is formed. If additional orbitals of atoms overlap then multiple bonds are formed.


In order to form a bond, the overlapping orbitals must have same symmetry with respect to the bond axis.

• Energy:

In overlapping of orbitals energy is released. The greater the overlap between the orbitals, the greater is the energy released and the stronger will be the bond formed.


" A line joining the nuclei of two bonded atoms is called bond axis".


It fails to explain;

1. The formation of coordinate covalent bond.

2. The formation of odd electron molecules or ions.

3. The para magnetic behaviour of oxygen molecule.



The Kinetic Molecular Theory was first proposed by Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases was elaborated and extended by a number of well known physicist such as James Maxwell (1859) and Boltzmann in (1870). In 1857, Clausius derived the Kinetic equation and deduced all the gas laws from it.


The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases is based upon following postulates.

• Molecules:

Gases are considered to be composed to minute discreet particles called molecules.

• Mass and size of molecules:

The molecules of a gas are thought to be of the Same mass and size but are different from gas to gas.

• Random motion:

The gas molecules move randomly in the space available and collide with each other and with the walls of container.

• Elastic collision:

When molecules collide with each other, the collisions are perfectly elastic i.e the total kinetic energy remains constant.

• Pressure:

The pressure of gases is due to the elastic collisions of gas molecules with the walls of container.

• Intermolecular distances:

At relatively low pressure, the average distance between the molecules are large as compared with molecular diameters.

• Intermolecular forces:

There are no attractive or repulsive forces between the two.

• Actual volume:

The actual volume of a gas molecules is negligible as compared to the total volume of the container.

• Kinetic energy:

The average kinetic energy of a molecule is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.



Definition: "The distance of outermost electrons from the nucleus of an atom while considering it spherical is called atomic radius"


Along the period:

•The size of atoms and ions decreases from left to right along with period. In a given period, the number of shells in all the elements remains the same. 


Reason is that the value of effective nuclear nuclear charge increases from left to right due to increase in number of protons. The increased effective nuclear charge pulls the electron cloud of atom closer to the nucleus. Thus, the size of the atoms and ions goes on decreasing from left to right.

•In any period, the alkali metals are present at the extreme left of the periodic table. Hence, they have largest size in any period.

•In any period, the halogens are present at the extreme right of the periodic table (excluding noble gases). Hence, they have smallest size in any period.

Along the group:

Atomic radius increase when we move from top to bottom.

Reason :Reason is that when we move from top to bottom no of shell increases.

Example: Sodium is larger in size then lithium because lithium has 2 shells while sodium has three shells.

 Structure of lithium

                       Structure of sodium 




"The first ionization energy is  the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from 1 mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions(+1).

   A(g)----------> A+(g) + 1e


The first ionization energy depends upon following factors;

1. Atomic size is inversely proportional to ionization energy.

2. Nuclear charge is also inversely proportional to ionization energy.

3. Shielding/screening effect: It is also inversely proportional to ionization energy.

4. Nature of orbital: It is difficult to remove electron from s orbital then p orbital .The order for ionization energy in different orbital is;



Along the period:

•Generally, the ionization energy of the elements increases from left to right in periodic table due to successive increase in the nuclear Charge and decrease in atomic size.

•However, some irregular trends in period 3 are present.e.g. ionization energy of Mg and P are higher than those of Al and S respectively.

Along the group:

Generally, the ionization energy of the elements decrease down the group in periodic table due to successive increase in the no of shells and increase  in atomic size.

Friday, 28 January 2022

Differences between sigma and pi bond

 Sigma bond:

1.It is a type of bond formed by head on collision of orbitals.

2.It is a strong bond.

3.In sigma bond elctron density is on the line joining two nuclie.

4.Ist bond is always sigma bond .

5.Only one sigma bond is possible btween two atoms.

6.Example Its example is hydrogen molecule.H-----H

Pi bond:

1.It is a type of bond formed by side ways overlap .

2.It is weak bond.

3.In pi bond electron density is above or below the bond axis.

4.More then one pi bonds are possible between two nuclie.

5.2nd and 3rd bond is pi bond .

6.Example :Its example is oxygen molecule





"Compounds that are miscible with water are known as hydrophilic molecules."

.Hydro means"water" and philic means"loving"

.So hydrophilic means water loving

.Such molecules form interaction with water molecules such as hydrogen bond. 

.For example, molecules of sodium chloride, glucose, methanol, acetone,etc. are called hydrophilic molecules.


Molecules that do not dissolve in water are called hydrophobic molecules.

Hydro means "water" and phobic means " repellent". 

So hydrophobic molecules are water repellent. 

Such molecules do not show interaction with water molecule. 

These molecules are like benzene, cyclo pentanes, oils, etc. that doesn't dissolve in water because these molecules are non-polar in nature.

Functional Group and its importance

Functional Group: Defination: An atom or group of atom in a molecule that is responsable for its specific chemical properties. Example: For ...

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